Our Board
Meet the Care Dorset Non Executive and Executive Teams
Non-Executive Team

Caroline Tapster
Chair of the Board of Directors

Chris Brophy
Non-Executive Director

Nicola Rowland
Non-Executive Director
Nikki Rowland is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and joined the NHS in 2003, after leaving her previous role as a Company Accountant in a Car Dealership and took on the role of Chief Finance Officer of the Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group in January 2020, following successful promotion from her previous role as the Deputy CFO. Nikki will be leaving the NHS at the end of August 2022. Nikki is taking a career break to focus on non-executive roles that can make good use of the skills and experience she has to offer.

Andrew Billany
Non-Executive Director
Andrew works as Corporate Director of Housing and Community Safety for Dorset Council and has been in this role since October 2020. He comes to Care Dorset with a wealth of leadership experience across the housing, local authority and voluntary sector worlds – and with a strong non-executive/board track record. He is Chair of the Board at Soho Housing Association and is into his final tenth year as a trustee of the Social Justice charity, Nacro. His work has included roles such as Director of Housing and Public Protection at Newham and Managing Director of Homes for Haringey. He has also been Chief Executive of two Housing organisations in Slough and North London and a UK-wide charity working in the refugee and modern slavery fields. His first Chief Executive role was for Hornsey Housing Trust in North London, and spent seven years building up a diverse range of supported housing and care services, including a ground breaking multi-cultural extra care scheme. Spending more than half his career on the ‘provider side’ has helped him in his later local authority career, understanding how to enable and support others to deliver the priorities of a Council and its people.